Friday, July 22, 2011

A Friend

This is my friend Isaac.
He's one cool cat. 
He's into film and he just sent me one of his videos.
I laughed and I cried.
I am seriously so proud of everything he does because he has the magic to make an ordinary car ride into a beautiful adventure.
And above all else, I believe in him.
So below I've attached a link to the video.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Confession

SO i haven't blogged all summer.. and I know that. Every time I sit down at my computer I am reminded that I am failing on a promise I made to myself. I want to be a blogger, I really do. A good one. That people desire to read. I'm just not there yet. But by george, I am going to try. So here's a promise to start blogging more. Good or bad, exciting or not. Here goes nothing.

photo by lobymustard

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Lovely Song for a Dreary Day

It's been cold and rainy here the last couple days and school is (finally) coming to a close. Don't get me wrong- I love school and the great people I get to meet there but I'm just so ready for summer.. or sleep. That's one of my main goals of the summer: GET LOTS OF SLEEP. And to eat well and exercise and spend time with friends and Jesus and run (trust me, the list goes on and on). But anyways, I posted this video because first, I love Adele. Her voice is just so real and beautiful and secondly, I cant get this song out of my head and I can't force myself to quit pressing replay in my car and while I'm on the computer. Hopefully since life is about to be a whole lot less hectic and a whole lot more exciting I'll be able to really get into blogging. Hope everyone is well.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

It's the Busiest Time of the Year

  "this is a giant block of whatever is most difficult for you to carry & trust me on this, you'll carry it more times than you can count until you decide that's exactly what you want to do most & then it won't weigh a thing anymore."

brian andreas

this quote is going to be my motto for the next two weeks. I'm entering dress rehearsal time for Phantom of the Opera and that means I am going to have to stay on top of everything. But of course I must remember, I will fail in everything without God's help. So mostly this week I am praying for peace and motivation to get everything done when it should be done. The best part is Phantom is so beautiful that.. brace yourselves.. I seriously enjoy the rehearsal part of it. [ghasp]

The Phantom Of The Opera
bravo and au revoir!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Thing I Think About

- I cook when I'm bored
- I can eat avocado with just about anything
- Give me a book, and I'll love you forever
- I love crafting & antique shopping
- I want to rescue trafficked children in India
- I hate not having anything on my arms
- I get cold very easily
-I want Isaiah 58:6-12 or "Yaweh" in Hebrew tattooed on my back

- I want to be known as somebody special.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Finding Joy in a Very Sad Week

On Tuesday, I was going about my regular day. Right before I had practice my best friend Tony pulled my into the hallway and told me that our other best friend's dad, Gary, had committed suicide. I've never felt that feeling before, even though I've delt with serveralpeople facing the same fate. This week, I had to be stronger than I have ever been. Ever. I had to be there for a friend who lost her dad, without a reason. I had to say goodbye to a man I called "daddy" and witness many tears, even though I held it together for most of the week. But it was one of the most beautiful things because I got to be there for my dear dear friend when she needed me. And that's all I want in life. Just to leave a few small footprints on peoples lives, the way my "dad" Gary did. He was a firefighter and saved countless people, many of whom will never know him as anything but "the man who saved my life". He was a beautiful person and took better care of my friend and her family than anyone else could ever do.

If I've learned anything this week, it's that the world is a beautiful yet very sad place. But if I've learned anything else, it's that God's love is deep, it is wide, and it covers us. It's fierce, and it's strong, and it's furious. And I can breathe a little better knowing that He's already overcome this world and all it's pain and suffering. And that my friends, is a very very beautiful thing.

Good night.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I Want to Live a Beautiful Life

Simple. Beautiful. Adventerous. Free. God-Filled. Life.

This is what I want. I want to see the world and love on people who never know that they are loved and that they have a Daddy in Heaven who is absolutely in love with them. I want to go whatever way God calls me. It's going to be beautiful.

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." ++Psalm 19:14